The Daily View, 2/17/2025: Twitter-Roundup Edition

Time for another Twitter Round-up Item #1: perils of low-insight moderation systems: @raspy_aspie banned for joking about what he’d say to his younger self he’s a good dude; hopefully they let him out of Twitter Jail soon — TracingWoodgrains (@tracewoodgrains) February 8, 2025 Kanye was able to rant and rave for many days unimpeded… Continue reading The Daily View, 2/17/2025: Twitter-Roundup Edition

Healthcare is Not Like a Priesthood

From, astralcodexten On Priesthoods: Many priesthoods, like doctors, still have a good reputation. Even people who disagree with the medical establishment maintain a fetish for the priesthood, and will parade the tiny number of renegade MDs on their side as the strongest evidence that they’re right. In no order, math, physics or philosophy are closer… Continue reading Healthcare is Not Like a Priesthood

A ‘big’ start to 2025

2025 is off to the biggest start of any year. Even 2024. 1. A big fat zero for Trump crypto donors. No Bitcoin reserve, as I predicted. Trump predictably gave his wealthy crypt donors a big, fat zero for their support. This goes to show the limitations of money in politics. The assumption is wealthy… Continue reading A ‘big’ start to 2025

Blame lucrative white-collar jobs for delayed family formation

Typically, the way you get less of a certain behavior is to disincentive it. This can mean social pressures, deterrence in the case of prison, or economic penalties. As I explained in a 2024 post, I posit careerism is the leading cause of delayed family formation in the US and likely other developed countries. The… Continue reading Blame lucrative white-collar jobs for delayed family formation

It’s not Dead Internet Theory. It’s more like Dumb Internet Theory

Eternal September describes how in 1993 when Usenet forums became added to AOL there was a perceived sudden dumbing-down or reduction of quality of discourse due to the floodgates being opened to a larger, less internet-savvy audience. I think the same is seen regarding so-called ‘dead internet theory’–it’s not that AI or bots have replaced… Continue reading It’s not Dead Internet Theory. It’s more like Dumb Internet Theory