Buy the dips...profits & earnigns for S&P 500 companies still better than ever Buy AAPL BIDU NFLX PCLN AMZN AWAY UGA
Aug 28, 2011
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M0nst3rB0y on TLT Is The Teflon ETF And Romney Is The Teflon Candidate Romney's version of free markets is the free ri...
OilFinder on The Second Shoe Drops: Obama's Intrade Stats Now In Free-Fall Hey dude, when are you going to get a life?Do y...
haimson on Taleb's own Black Swan So did you read any of his books? I guess a sna...
stock_creeper on Taleb's own Black Swan instead of buying one of his books you can get ...
JustTheFacts:No Spin on A Round Of Applause For The Do-Nothing Congress Now for the facts:President Obama promotes a Eu...
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- Dyseconomics: The New Macro Econ and the Greatest Economic Boom Ever (14 Comments)
- The Focus Should be on Wall St., Not Job Creation (9 Comments)
- Slopeofhope sucks (6 Comments)
- Taleb's own Black Swan (5 Comments)
- Ignore the doom and gloom media and keep buying stocks (5 Comments)
Posts by Themes
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dow 13000,
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larry summers,
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peter schiff,
slopeofhope ,
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Full Index of Posts 142 posts, page 2 of 5
TLT Is A Fist-Pounding Buy. The Debt Binge is Sustainable
Romney Is Right About The Poor, Stocks Surge On Obama Catholic 'gaffe'
Give Me More Spending, Give Me More Debt; Here Comes Dow 14000
Peter Schiff Is Still an Idiot
Daily View 1/30/2012 : We Need Lower Wages, More Gridlock And More Spending!
Is stock_creeper always right? The evidence suggests so
The Perfect Portfolio
A Vote for Ron Paul is a Vote for Failure
Why TLT Will Always Go Up, Even in a Bull Market
This stock market always goes up
Ron Paul is a Raving Liberal, not a Constitutionalist
Exhaustive list of 2012 predictions
Ron Paul Crybabies
The libs fail again, dow up 300 pts with NO signs of slowing
The free market is still the best one of all
Why the One Percent Deserves More, Not Less
Debunking the Supposed Slippery Slope to Socialism
Week 4 of the Newt Gingrich Surge and NO Signs of Slowing
Daily View: Debunking the Clinton Surplus, Bubbles, Bailouts, and Obama the Pushover
Debunking the Clinton Surplus and is Job Loss Bad for the Economy? No.
Daily View: Newt, Unemployment, Bailouts, and Oil
Newt Gingrich - the Teflon Candidate
Debunking the Euro and Debt Crisis and the ADP Report
The Daily View: Black Friday/Cyber Monday, Stock Surging, Bush Tax Cuts, and Treasuries
The Newt Gingrich Surge is Here
Why Bad Economic News is Good for Stocks
Invasion of the Anarchist Liberal Libertarians and No Job Creation Plan? No Problem
Daily View: Education , Japan , and Obama
Is George Papandreou's Shocker Referendum Fraud?
Americans spending more with income almost flat
Protracting the Bailout..a Brilliant Strategy
So Much for the Copper Indicator
Stocks surge, libs lose again. Wealth creation still unstoppable
Major Indexes Break Out, Wall st Wins Again, the 99% are Losers
The Mitt Romney Stock Surge?