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Stock market researcher, investor
  • The free market is still the best one of all [Edit or Delete]0 comments
    Dec 18, 2011 12:57 PM
    The libs hate our freedoms, want to see the economy fail, want to spread the wealth and that's why they have aligned themselves with Ron Paul. Ron Paul is a closet communist/anarchist and so are the vast majority of his followers.  For example, OWS participants overwhelmingly supported Ron Paul and Obama. A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for recession inducing policies and Islamic appeasement. That's why unlike Newt Gingrich he's not getting the important Fox News or CNBC endorsements, and why he will lose Iowa - his ONLY hope. If Ron Paul fails to win Iowa his campaign and entire political career is pretty much over. By 2016 he will be too old and the media will finally grow tired of squandering coverage on a perennail loser.
    There comes a time in a free market where you have to socialize the losses and privatize the gains, to choose winners and losers, to bailout the too big to fail. Class warfare and excess regulation  will only hurt the economy. The highest of income earners, the Creators, the creative class, the smarties contribute more to the economy than everyone else, so they deserve occasional bailouts when things occasionally go wrong. Keep in mind that income taxes still have not increased a SINGLE penny since 1993 despite all the bailouts , so that debunks the liberal argument that tax payers are somehow on the hook for the bailouts. 
    Keynesians believe you have to steal from the rich to give to the poor, so they can stimulate the economy. This is wrong. There is compelling evidence that more inequality is paradoxically good for the economy, or is at least a sign of economic progress. There is NO substantial evidence that increased inequality is detrimental to the economy.  Just because the great depression coincided with high income inequity doesn't mean it will happen again.  History tends to rhyme, but it seldom repeats. $100 spent by a one-percenter generally contributes more 'value' for the economy than $100 spent by a food stamp recipient, so shouldn't they deserve first dibs on the recovery? Sometimes,  mainstreet needs to learn to wait its turn, and quit complaining about inequality, quit complaining about congress not doing enough, quit complaining about the debt. Fox News is right- we've become too pessimistic  and this is fueling the class warfare rhetoric.

    'Party politics', do-nothing congress is good for economy. We don't want congress to capitulate to the leftist whims of their constituents. 
    Housing market still not very important in terms of the economic recovery either. Home prices keep going up where I live though. No bubble in Silicon Valley. No bubble for facebook & twitter.  This is an economic boom driven by consumer spending, exports, productivity, technology, profits& earnings, and 0% interest rates forever. We're gonna have pain at the pump to the extreme, but it wont cause a recession. We'll also have nosebleed healthcare and education costs nosebleed web 2.0 valuations (not a bubble though), and massive profits & earnings blowouts for S&P 500 companies quarter after quarter even with a perpetually abysmal labor market.
    More people lose their jobs= more people at home on the internet+more people using credit cards=more money in my pocket.  So weak dollar or not I really don't care, it's kinda funny to see people losing their jobs but that's how a free market works, I guess.
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