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Stock market researcher, investor
  • Give Me More Spending, Give Me More Debt; Here Comes Dow 14000 [Edit or Delete]0 comments
    Feb 7, 2012 11:49 AM
    We're in a low, low rate world of booming economic growth, infinite liquidity, pro-growth policy and very tame inflation.

    Since 2009, never has so much wealth been created in such a short period of time. The global economy and information superhighway in the form of web 2.0 is minting millions of millionaires and billionaires.

    Here's some examples of the nose-bleed wealth that has been created since the March 2009 (Obama's wealth spreading efforts notwithstanding)

    1. Facebook March 2009 worth $10 billion Now: $100 billion (after IPO)

    2. BIDU $13/share March 209, Now: $135

    3. Apple $75/share March 2009, Now $450!!

    4. AMZN $40, Now $185

    5. worth $1 billion in 2009, now $10+ billion

    6. S&P 500 666 March 2009, Now: 1360

    Additionally, companies like airbnb and spung up, each worth billions

    Are the BLS numbers fake? Will Greece default? Maybe, but who cares?

    What matters is that profits and earnings are doing great, with no signs of slowing.

    What about that overblown debt crisis? It ended when the media stopped it's 24-7 coverage of it. Poof, vanished overnight along with Boener and the rest of them. If you listed to stock creeper and bought the dip, you made money.

    The PE ratio of the S&P 500 is still only 14 even after this huge rally.

    Job loss still not a big deal, same for falling consumer confidence. Pain at the pump will hurt consumer spending? NO way. I emphatically believe that when gas hits $4.00 gallon it will not have any material impact on the economy. Zip. zilch. nada. Same for $130 oil. Of course, the liberal media, Obama, and the blogs will spread the lies about how pain at the pump is squeezing consumers, hurting the economy. Yes, consumers will gripe, but pain at the pump will also depress the personal savings rate, thus increase total consumer spending and GDP. Ditto for surging food, education, and healthcare costs. That's good for the economy, too.

    Oh, and interest rates and taxes never going up again, which is also bullish for gas prices, stocks and commodities. The much maligned Bush tax cuts is the most resilient piece of legislation passed in recent history. That's why Bush was such an effective president. As much has his policies may favor the rich and cause debt, they ain't going away because they are sooo good for the economy.

    So give me more spending, give me more facebook, give me more debt, give me more buy all dips. Here comes dow 14000.

    Themes: facebook
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