Malcom Gladwell: poster child of mediocrity

Malcom Gladwell interviewed by Tyler Cowen of the Mercatus Center, appropriately titled Malcolm Gladwell Wants to Make the World Safe for Mediocrity Gladwell says: So, if your problem is that you’re facing a series of stereotypes about how you are intellectually inferior, how you have a broken culture, how you have . . . I… Continue reading Malcom Gladwell: poster child of mediocrity

Malcolm Gladwell – Bait and Switch

Don’t bother me with the details, man, I’m just telling stories It’s understandable why Malcolm Gladwell has kept a low profile in recent years, giving fewer talks and writing fewer columns and books. After a lucrative career as a public pseudo-intellectual spanning 15 long years – beginning in 2000 with his best-seller The Tipping Point… Continue reading Malcolm Gladwell – Bait and Switch

Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Thin-Skin In The Game

The Talebian One himself, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, whom I have written about at length on this blog, has a new book, “Skin in the Game”, which he has been promoting on Twitter. This is not a review of the book; rather, it’s a review of his broader ideas and character. The problems with Taleb are… Continue reading Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Thin-Skin In The Game

Pop Psychology Charlatans

How to act less stupid, according to psychologists “The stupidest thing someone can do is overestimate themselves,” he said. “What that tells us is that you don’t have to have a low IQ, in people’s eyes, to act stupidly. You just have to misperceive your abilities.” In other words poseurs, who overestimate their abilities, come… Continue reading Pop Psychology Charlatans

Malcom Gladwell, Exasperated Idiot

John Paulson, who made his fortune betting against loser homeowners, is donating $400 million to Harvard’s engineering school – a good use of money to help America’s best and the brightest. Malcom Gladwell, who along with Taleb, Ariely, Kahneman and other liberals is famous for his pseudoscience books that downplay individual cognitive exceptionalism, predictably opposed… Continue reading Malcom Gladwell, Exasperated Idiot

The Daily View: Consumer Spending, Malcom Gladwell, Financial Crisis

America’s economy is still booming as retail sales keep making new highs: But isn’t the consumer supposed to be maxed out, says the left? How do they keep spending? This is not supposed to happen, because the libs say wealth inequality is too high, so consumers should not be able to spend as much. So… Continue reading The Daily View: Consumer Spending, Malcom Gladwell, Financial Crisis