The power of the alt-right is not to directly influence policy but rather to influence sentiment

There is a belief held by some that the alt-right, in making certain gestures and comments, is losing ‘respectability’ and therefore risks being excluded from having influence on Trump’s policies. This notion that Trump actually cares what the alt-right thinks is of course nonsense and is just more ‘concerning’ by people who don’t understand the… Continue reading The power of the alt-right is not to directly influence policy but rather to influence sentiment

Identity, IQ, and Incoherence of the Alt-Right

‘Identity’, which not limited to just politics but also includes ‘BLM’ and the ‘big is beautiful’ movement, gives its members a stake in something, as being a part of a bigger ‘system’ or ‘process’, yet at the same time individualism and autonomy are retained. Identity is a way of signalling unity, with varying degrees obviousness.… Continue reading Identity, IQ, and Incoherence of the Alt-Right

Alt Right: Consumerism, Crony Capitalism, and Immigration

I’m sure everyone has seen the alt-right ‘mural‘ of the various things that the alt-right supports and supposes. A few observations: I’m kinda surprised by how it ‘strongly opposes’ SJWs but only ‘moderately opposes’ SJW-media. Also surprised that it only has ‘minor opposition’ to crony capitalism and excess consumerism, which I actually agree. Consumerism, although… Continue reading Alt Right: Consumerism, Crony Capitalism, and Immigration

Alt Right & NRx: End Game and Action Plans

A common criticism of NRx (and for this post I’m assuming NRx is distinct from the ‘alt right’) is that it pontificates too much and has no ‘action plan’, unlike the ‘alt right’, which is ‘action-orientated’. This criticism reflects a misunderstanding of NRx, because NRx actually does have plans, but rather they tend to be… Continue reading Alt Right & NRx: End Game and Action Plans