The Daily View: Consumer Spending, Malcom Gladwell, Financial Crisis

America’s economy is still booming as retail sales keep making new highs: But isn’t the consumer supposed to be maxed out, says the left? How do they keep spending? This is not supposed to happen, because the libs say wealth inequality is too high, so consumers should not be able to spend as much. So… Continue reading The Daily View: Consumer Spending, Malcom Gladwell, Financial Crisis

The Smartist Era, Part 2

Part 1: The Smartist Era The left likes to lament about the dumbing down of society, while ironically, actively contributing to the alleged dumbing down by opposing the talent based meritocracy in exchange for politically correct equal outcomes and rebuking biological determinism, IQ, and standardized testing. So if dumbing down is occurring, the left is… Continue reading The Smartist Era, Part 2

More Wealth Inequality Bullshit

There’s a study from S&P that Inequality Is Damaging the U.S. Economy. Of course, there are no specifics of how exactly rising income inequality is bad for the economy, but but since economics has mostly devolved into a leftist social science that has become indistinguishable from sociology, to have actual numbers and empirical evidence would… Continue reading More Wealth Inequality Bullshit

Utilitarianism Is Not Welfare Liberalism

From Taki Magazine “greatest happiness for the greatest number” would become an argument for totalitarian ultra-veganism? hmmm… But being a utilitarian doesn’t mean you also have to be a leftist egalitarian . As a utilitarian, I believe in economic and social policy such as supply side economics as well as eugenics that will create an… Continue reading Utilitarianism Is Not Welfare Liberalism

The Meritocracy

The left is asking, “When is the next crisis? Is it Russia?” How about never? There won’t be a return of subprime or the mortgage meltdown. Nor will there be a tech bubble, or any sort of problem. Jut buy the dips and make easy $. That permanently high plateau Irving Fisher spoke about is… Continue reading The Meritocracy


The big to-do on the blogs is immigration again. As a free market capitalists and pragmatists, the Grey Enlightenment supports more high tech immigration because it will help the economy, in addition to supporting immigration reform and securing the borders. It’s doesn’t have to be a choice between only open borders or no immigration at… Continue reading Immigration

The Smartest Generation, Part 2

Through the Flynn Effect and the American public school system – the most rigorous and difficult one in the world – today’s generation, also known as the millennials, is smarter than any preceding generation, and this is another reason to be optimistic that stocks and Bay Area real estate will keep going up, why America… Continue reading The Smartest Generation, Part 2

Investment Idea #1 with SVXY

Still a slow news cycle with the usual Ebola, Iraq, Gaza and Russia stories. The S&P 500 fell 2.5% last week. Just another dip buying opportunity for those keeping score at home. But some are probably asking, “How can it be a slow news cycle with all that stuff happening?” The outcome of these events… Continue reading Investment Idea #1 with SVXY