Why Thomas Sowell Never Got a Nobel Prize

From Wikipedia: ‘On the right and in conservative and libertarian quarters, Sowell is lauded as a “giant”,[40] brilliant,[41] one of the most original[42] and prolific intellects of our time,[43] “a national treasure.”[44] and someone to whom a Nobel Prize should have been awarded long ago.’ So why, in spite of his prolific output spanning six… Continue reading Why Thomas Sowell Never Got a Nobel Prize

How it’s Possible for the US Economy to Be Strong Even if Many are Not Fully Participating

Republicans Need To Chill: Life In The United States Is Really Good On A Historical Perspective With the exception of his obvious partisan jab against republicans, he’s right about the economy and America, but with some caveats. It’s worth keeping in mind that, until 2008 or so, the GOP was the party of economic optimism… Continue reading How it’s Possible for the US Economy to Be Strong Even if Many are Not Fully Participating

Anaysis of Latest memo from Howard Marks: Economic Reality

This is going viral: Latest memo from Howard Marks: Economic Reality, presented by Oak Tree Capital. Central bank actions can encourage or accelerate economic activity, but they can’t create economic activity that otherwise wouldn’t occur. Much of what central banks do consists of making things happen today that otherwise would happen sometime in the future.… Continue reading Anaysis of Latest memo from Howard Marks: Economic Reality

FOMC Stupidity

Form the Reformed Broker: This is a low-flying panic attack There are too many people who believe that just because they have a blog and opinions, they can also pretend to be fed chairman, because obviously the fed is doing it all wrong, and it’s up to the lowly blogger to ‘set them strait’. The… Continue reading FOMC Stupidity

Ascended Economies

Lately there has been some discussion about “ascended economies” – economic systems where humans are removed from the process. Scott has two posts about the matter: If capital investment gets automated, corporate governance gets automated, and labor gets automated, we might end up with the creepy prospect of ascended corporations – robot companies with robot… Continue reading Ascended Economies

Jobs, Basic Income, Post Scarcity, and all that Jazz

There have been a smattering of wealth inequality/economics articles lately: THREE GREAT ARTICLES ON POVERTY, AND WHY I DISAGREE WITH ALL OF THEM Economics Has Failed America Scott goes on about the unrealistic expectations of trying to teach everyone high-IQ skills, when biology imposes barriers to such hopes: The QZ article warns that it might… Continue reading Jobs, Basic Income, Post Scarcity, and all that Jazz