I saw this going viral Anthropic CEO goes full techno-optimist in 15,000-word paean to AI. The author’s predictions are way too optimistic. None of those things he predicts are going to happen, or at least not due to AI or in our lifetimes. It’s not at all going to cure cancer or cure aging, or… Continue reading AI: still stuck in the textbox
Kamala winning does not mean the end of America or ‘last election’
I saw this going viral: Very few Americans realize that, if Trump is NOT elected, this will be the last election. Far from being a threat to democracy, he is the only way to save it! Let me explain: if even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that the Democrats are expediting… Continue reading Kamala winning does not mean the end of America or ‘last election’
The only winners of the 2024 election: stocks and social networks
The only winners in the 2024 election are social networks and the stock market. Meta and YouTube benefit from huge campaign advertising and more traffic due to an increasingly divided nation and election-related news. The other winner is the stock market, due to stimulus spending and tax cuts; both candidates promise boatloads of spending. Trump… Continue reading The only winners of the 2024 election: stocks and social networks
The continued rise of billionaires, and the decline of institutions
As I correctly predicted in 2021-2022, Elon’s brand is bigger than ever. With his endorsement and sharing the stage with Trump last week, has catapulted himself front in center of the 2024 election, even upstaging the Donald himself. He and other billionaires impart greater cultural and political influence now than ever before, and this trend… Continue reading The continued rise of billionaires, and the decline of institutions
The mediocre men problem
I saw this going viral America’s Young Men Are Falling Even Further Behind As of August, 89% of this cohort of men were employed or looking for work, more than 700,000 fewer than if the current labor-force participation rate was at 2004 levels, according to an analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data by Aspen… Continue reading The mediocre men problem
There is no fertility/population crisis
The claimed population or fertility crisis is still making the rounds in the media, and is a centerpiece of discussion online, too. As I wrote in a 2022 post, the fertility/population crisis is an invention by billionaires and other elites–propagated by both the mainstream media and social media–over the irrational/unsupported fear that the world is… Continue reading There is no fertility/population crisis
Update on Bitcoin and Successful Progress on Math Challenge
Bitcoin Falls To $60000 As Crypto Slumps To Start October: The media are acting surprised that Bitcoin fell on what was supposed to be a historically strong month, October. I was not surprised. I predicted this would happen last week, when I showed a chart showing how Bitcoin would break lower, likely eventually to $50k… Continue reading Update on Bitcoin and Successful Progress on Math Challenge
David Foster Wallace’s suicide, and why his career trajectory will likely not be repeated
Interesting post Your Book Review: The Pale King. For a long time I, like so many others, romanticized David Foster Wallace’s suicide. It crystallized him as a tragic figure, eternally 46, handsome, at the height of his powers—we never saw him go gray and saggy, grow uncool, post cringey takes on Twitter. His death preserved… Continue reading David Foster Wallace’s suicide, and why his career trajectory will likely not be repeated
Trump Still Free as Democratic Elites Fall
Last week NYC major Eric Adams was indicted on five federal charges, including bribery, fraud and soliciting illegal foreign campaign donations. This is quite serious and the first in New York history. And earlier this year, Democratic Senator Bob Menendez was found guilty on all counts in a bribery trial. So here we have two… Continue reading Trump Still Free as Democratic Elites Fall
When a Crystal Ball Isn’t Enough to Make You Rich
I saw this tweet by Nassim Taleb: FOOLED BY RANDOMNESSMy conjecture, expressed on X, that pple w/news in advance don't do well has been tested by Haghani et al. Indeed they failed to really capitalize on information 1) you don't know beforehand what is noise, & 2) overestimate the information (sizing) pic.twitter.com/6pcwrrVOgf — Nassim Nicholas… Continue reading When a Crystal Ball Isn’t Enough to Make You Rich