Blame food palatability for obesity

This was going viral It’s really insane how fast obesity rates have grown in the US. Tripled in a single generation. The mainstream approach to diet and exercise is incredibly broken. — Joshua March (@joshuamarch) January 15, 2023 I dunno why people are so obsessed with this topic. It’s like people want to… Continue reading Blame food palatability for obesity

Is the WEF threat overblown? Probably

I saw this article by Mr. 187 IQ himself, Scott Greer, Klaus Schwab: The Safe Villain. It was re-tweeted approvingly by Cernovich. Same for Richard Hanania who similarly expressed skepticism of the prevailing right-wing narrative about the WEF. “Schwab is a convenient and safe scapegoat to blame for our situation because he’s an identifiable figure,… Continue reading Is the WEF threat overblown? Probably

Nobody is a Prisoner of Their IQ, But IQ Still Matters

Interesting article by Rob Henderson, Nobody is a Prisoner of Their IQ. Much of this article boils down to the argument that because some high-IQ people make worse life choices than low/average-IQ people, that somehow this can be enough to overcome the disadvantage of not being smart. Or that because of luck and or not… Continue reading Nobody is a Prisoner of Their IQ, But IQ Still Matters

Health authorities and experts have no skin in the game

Illustration: how tech imbeciles fail to get the arrow of time.1) You don't judge lockdowns by TODAY'S information but by what we knew THEN, w/no testing,no vaccines no grasp of disease/treatment.2) Preventive Measures look superfluous EX POST, like airport security checks. — Nassim Nicholas Taleb (@nntaleb) January 7, 2023 Health authorities and experts kept… Continue reading Health authorities and experts have no skin in the game

From one ‘current thing’ to the next

I think the ‘liberal media’ vs ‘conservative media’ dichotomy is incomplete or lacking. Sure, it’s a more accurate heuristic than not, and explains how CNN and Fox differ in coverage of major events, such as Covid or the 2020 Black Lives Matters protests, which fell along predictable party lines. CNN tended to downplay the protests… Continue reading From one ‘current thing’ to the next

The daily view: 1/12/2023

1. META stock is surging like I said it would, now at $137. It’s going back to $350 soon, maybe in a few years. Four months ago the experts had written it off, and then it suddenly surged from $90 to almost $140 like nothing. The gains will hold. META makes so much money from… Continue reading The daily view: 1/12/2023

Little surprise that gen-Z is avoiding low-skilled jobs, the trades

Saw this going viral a few days ago America needs carpenters and plumbers. Gen Z doesn’t seem interested Gen-z is smart enough to know where the money is at. Either it’s on social media (which offers a small chance to earn a ton, such as Instagram reels) or with white-collar jobs (which offers consistent, large… Continue reading Little surprise that gen-Z is avoiding low-skilled jobs, the trades

Revising some predictions, belated 2023 predictions

Belated 2023 predictions: Prediction 1: Turkish stock market and ETF (ticker symbol: TUR) will crash in 2023. So will the Turkish lira (USDTRY). I forgot to add this in my original post. Turkey has the same problems that have plagued it from 2013-2021, such as brain drain, low IQs, lack of foreign investment, hyperinflation, incompetent… Continue reading Revising some predictions, belated 2023 predictions