In a post from November 2022 I argued that allowing Elon Musk to succeed in buying Twitter was an unforced error, but now I believe it will go down as liberal elites’ biggest blunder to date, and even its possible undoing (at least as far as online is concerned). This is a mistake that will… Continue reading The Left’s Colossal Twitter Blunder
Why AI does not threaten my job/income
From Noah Smith: Generative AI and the finance industry. (Unfortunately, most of the article is paywalled, which has become an annoying and worsening trend with Substack and online journalism overall lately.) I am not concerned AI will make my job obsolete or supplant my income. More computing power does not mean better strategies. This is… Continue reading Why AI does not threaten my job/income
IQ edition, part 2: big trading win, and Mensa members regressing, Diminishing Returns to IQ
A few days ago I predicted a major decline and shorted BTC on Friday night, the 5th, and sure enough it crashed over $1,200 points, now at $28,200. I covered at $27,300. Big win. The trade could not have gone better. I broke my own rule by opening the short on Friday night instead of… Continue reading IQ edition, part 2: big trading win, and Mensa members regressing, Diminishing Returns to IQ
Why has the Incidence of Obesity Exploded in the US? Some possibilities
The obesity epidemic is a topic that interests a lot of people and generates considerable discussion online. I want to expound on what I believe to be the main reasons for the obesity epidemic, especially in America. I disagree with the ‘slime mold’ or chemical theories of obesity. This does not mean it’s wrong, just… Continue reading Why has the Incidence of Obesity Exploded in the US? Some possibilities
Bitcoin chart very bearish: Using IQ to predict the market
Crémieux (@cremieuxrecueil) posted a study of the highest (and lowest) IQ professions: Do these average IQ estimates seem overly compressed? For example, "physical scientists" (physicists, chemists, astronomers, and geologists) rank highest at 114, or about the 83rd percentile of the public. I would have guesses they are well up above the 90th percentile. — Steve… Continue reading Bitcoin chart very bearish: Using IQ to predict the market
No societal collapse yet, but we’ll keep waiting
This post was going viral on Reddit, “Are we living in a time of ‘widespread social collapse’?” I think it’s more like small-scale, localized decay, not widespread societal collapse. This is not a particularly popular position. American exceptionalism is not just about economics or foreign pricy, but the belief that everything either centers around us… Continue reading No societal collapse yet, but we’ll keep waiting
Open AI is No Gold Rush
Martin Shkreli on the Open AI Gold Rush: Real Innovation Will Come After The AI Bubble To call Open AI a goldrush implies that at least some ordinary people are making money from it. Except no one is making any money from Open AI. Unless, I suppose, you include making viral YouTube videos and tweets… Continue reading Open AI is No Gold Rush
The Daily View 5/1/2023 : A lot of Items!
#1 Another excellent article by Mr. 187 IQ, DeSantis Opens The Door To Hate Speech Laws: There’s already a precedent for this. Police around the country have opened criminal investigations into “It’s Okay To Be White” fliers. A man recently indicted for his role in the Charlottesville tiki torch march was denied bail in part… Continue reading The Daily View 5/1/2023 : A lot of Items!
Having academic credentials is no assurance of quality
From 2009, Eliezer Yudkowsky discusses the Shangri-La Diet, a type of diet that involves the added consumption of oil: Once upon a time, Seth Roberts (a professor of psychology at Berkeley, on the editorial board of Nutrition) noticed that he’d started losing weight while on vacation in Europe. For no apparent reason, he’d stopped wanting… Continue reading Having academic credentials is no assurance of quality
Meta stock surges again: how so many got it wrong
As Meta stock surged today on yet another quarter of strong earnings, it’s time to reflect on how so many people this wrong. Funny how people keep blaming the buybacks or layoffs. Those helped, but what is overlooked is just how insanely profitable and dominant Meta’s core advertising business is, both Facebook and Instagram. What… Continue reading Meta stock surges again: how so many got it wrong