College tuition and scholarships: who pays what

From Arnold Kling, Price Discrimination Explains College Tuition: He points out that list prices for tuition mislead the public in many ways. For example, he reports that although average full tuition at private colleges rose 33 percent from $27,000 in 2004 to almost $34,000 in 2020, average tuition paid actually edged down, from $15,000 to… Continue reading College tuition and scholarships: who pays what

Defending Ehrlich (sorta)

I saw this going viral: Ok WHAT. I had no idea “The Population Bomb” led to the sterilization of 8 million Indians and Paul Ehrlich just lives out his life as a beloved professor. From a recent ACX post— — Alt Man Sam (@mezaoptimizer) June 26, 2023 Just as the left has its own… Continue reading Defending Ehrlich (sorta)

Tooleb tweets, part 4

Time for another round of tweets. Except Mr. Arab man, he never publicly opposed Polio vaccines (I think Balaji is wrong about almost everything, especially crypto, but let’s not put words in his mouth): So, apparently steroids are OK, but not polio vaccines. Same incompatibility as w/libertarian Putinism. Granted Balaji has discernment issues; the question… Continue reading Tooleb tweets, part 4

The cancer miracle is always just around the corner

When I saw the NYTs article Is a Revolution in Cancer Treatment Within Reach? going viral, I could not help but to think I had seen this movie before. Every year, sometimes multiple times, we’re promised by the media, particularly the NYTs, that a cancer breakthrough, paradigm shift, or miracle is just around the corner,… Continue reading The cancer miracle is always just around the corner

The Rot Economy

I saw this article going viral The Rot Economy. This article is demonstrative of the common disconnect or misconception between how pundits perceive the US economy and technology companies vs. how things actually are. At the center of everything I’ve written for the last few months (if not the last few years), sits a cancerous… Continue reading The Rot Economy

The Daily View 6/19/2023: Juneteenth, vaccines, education

1. Today is Juneteenth, which almost everyone can agree was conceived and shoehorned because of George Floyd’s death (but to call it ‘George Floyd day’ would have been too obvious). This is the second holiday in just 3 weeks, the last being Memorial Day. The creation of new, contrived holidays is part of the trend… Continue reading The Daily View 6/19/2023: Juneteenth, vaccines, education

‘Old’ Media has Been Dying Forever, Yet it Holds On

Ted Gioia of The Honest Broker argues that legacy media is being displaced by social media or other alternative media: Maybe you can already figure out how this story ends. Every year, legacy media outlets shrink a little more, and alternative channels grow a lot more. Just do a simple trendline extrapolation, and draw your… Continue reading ‘Old’ Media has Been Dying Forever, Yet it Holds On

The Declining Quality of Google Search is an Opportunity for Reddit and other Competitors

The ongoing Reddit blackout in protest of Reddit’s API pricing has an unlikely or unexpected victim, that being Google. This is because, similar to Wikipedia, Google drives a lot of traffic to Reddit from people using Google indirectly as a Reddit search engine. The quality of Google’s search results have gone downhill precipitously over the… Continue reading The Declining Quality of Google Search is an Opportunity for Reddit and other Competitors