Getting Sunk Costs Wrong

A 2009 article from Seth Godin’s blog recently went viral, Ignore Sunk Costs. A sunk cost in the context of the sunk cost fallacy implies a certain amount of uncertainty of ever recovering the initial investment. Misspelling a sign is a mistake that needs to be fixed, not a sunk cost. For example, if a… Continue reading Getting Sunk Costs Wrong

3x Leveraged ETF Strategy Guide, Updated for 2020, Part 1: Intro

In 2016 I published my 5-part wealth creation guide about how to beat the S&P 500 by shoring leveraged inverse ETFs. Since publication, the method has worked very well, especially in 2019 when bonds and stocks surged together, but it is also complicated and difficult to implement and also involves risks inherent to short-selling leveraged… Continue reading 3x Leveraged ETF Strategy Guide, Updated for 2020, Part 1: Intro

Some thoughts on Iran

Some take-aways: 1. No one has any idea what is going to happen, and anyone who claims to have some sort of special foresight as to the matter is probably full of it. Unlike economies and finance, predicting foreign policy is very difficult, if not impossible. Things can change suddenly and unpredictably. How many predicted… Continue reading Some thoughts on Iran

Why the job-apocalypse probably won’t happen

From Scott’s blog WILL AUTOMATION LEAD TO ECONOMIC CRISIS?. This is not a post by Scott himself, but rather a written collaboration by two guest contributors about a mutually agreed upon topic: Adversarial collaboration on the question: “Automation/AI will not lead to a general, sustained economic crisis within our lifetimes or for the foreseeable future.… Continue reading Why the job-apocalypse probably won’t happen

Is the purpose of school to create obedient workers? Questioning a popular narrative

NEWS & POLITICS Our Public Schools Are Churning Out Drones for the Corporate State ‘Schools create obedient workers’ (82 Posts) Think You Know Why Compulsory School Exists? Think Again. Do you think public schools in your country are designed to make kids docile, obedient workers for the upper class? A common narrative is that America’s… Continue reading Is the purpose of school to create obedient workers? Questioning a popular narrative

The source of Jewish success

Brett “the bedbug” Stephens put out an article about Jewish IQ and success, The Secrets of Jewish Genius: It’s not about having higher I.Q.s. I think in some regards, supposed Jewish intellectual and professional dominance is overstated. I have read many science papers in fields such as math, medicine, and physics, and Jews hardly seem… Continue reading The source of Jewish success

The evolution of the right

’80s and ’90s-era conservatism was dominated by foreign policy and culture-war issues. For example, Dan Quayle in 1992 criticized the recording industry for promoting rap music that glorified violence against police officers. The 1992 Los Angeles riots could be considered a literal culture war. And there was the war on drugs, which under Reagan saw… Continue reading The evolution of the right

The smart-left

A not-so-great debate: These Democrats are killing me I keep seeing this trend of the intellectual/smart-left criticizing the 2020 democratic candidates, such as article above. I don’t remember it being this bad in 2016 or 2008, but either this year the candidates are exceptionally bad or the smart-left has much higher standards than usual. I… Continue reading The smart-left