Innovation and economic stimulus can coexist

I agree with everything in the video except the false dichotomy Musk presents between spending vs. innovation. As the above Elon Musk clip shows, libertarian-leaning pundits create this false dichotomy that one much choose between social spending or the private sector–and or–that former comes at the cost of the later. But, in reality and practice,… Continue reading Innovation and economic stimulus can coexist

The Age of the Homebody Has Only Begun

This article is going viral The Age of the Homebody Has Only Begun We now have available to us more home entertainment options, and of a higher quality, than ever before. With so many top cultural institutions making their performances available to all online, aficionados are growing accustomed to watching the best live performances—from pop… Continue reading The Age of the Homebody Has Only Begun

The battle for the middle

The problem is, everyone want to be perceived smart and nuanced, as those are attributes that confer social status, so the result is this fight for the sensible/reasonable middle even among individuals who would otherwise be considered on the fringe ideologically. There is the need to position oneself as being the ‘sensible middle’ between two… Continue reading The battle for the middle

An era of extremes

On dissent-right forums and blogs, it’s not uncommon to see people who subscribe to HBD bemoan the purported emasculation of men or the dumbing-down of society and younger generations, compared to older generations. Such arguments and generalizations are along the lines of: “…Kids today are so much weaker than when I was growing up…” “…people… Continue reading An era of extremes

Nassim Tooleb keeps digging himself deeper

Mentally ill Nassim Tooleb continues to double-down on his covid insanity: Excellent idea.You want freedom to infect others; now pay for it. None of the people in parks enjoying their "freedom" should have any priority over and displace other sick people in hospitals. — Nassim Nicholas Taleb (@nntaleb) May 3, 2020 I have a… Continue reading Nassim Tooleb keeps digging himself deeper

Coming to terms with death

From Lion’s blog April 27 Coronavirus update: No light at the end of the tunnel I generally agree with Lion on most things, including even the virus. I agree that things are going get worse in terms of more cases and deaths, yet I remain optimistic about the stock market, especially tech stocks such as… Continue reading Coming to terms with death