Heuristics for the Post-2008 World, Part 1

This advice given this in this article captures the ethos of post-2008 era – an era in which IQ, self-determination, intellectual expertise and knowledge are more important than ever, coinciding with the post-2008 decline/obsolescence of collectivism and liberalism, in general. Commentary is below.

1. Ignore 1-star and 5-star reviews of books, hotels and products. The 3-star reviews will answer all your questions.

This ties in with the post-2008 rise of expertism. The smartest reviewers tend to give more nuanced reviews, although 1-star reviews can still reflect a genuine criticism of a book.

2. When you’re a host, use that experience to learn how to be a better guest, and vice-versa.

3. If you want to be fit, become someone who doesn’t skip or reschedule workouts. Skipping workouts is always the beginning of the end.

As part of the post-2008 culture of self-determination, Red Pill culture and individualism, million of men are hitting the gym to lift heavy weights, posting pictures of it on Instagram.

This also explains why Trump is so popular, and how he bested more experienced, smarter candidates like Cruz. After an eight-year hiatus, voters want masculinity to return to the Oval Office, and Trump, unlike Obama who is perceived as a weak push-over, will command respect and authority among foreign leaders, even if they don’t agree with Trump policy-wise. This will give a Trump presidency increased negotiating power with regard to trade and foreign relations, and may even augur well for world peace because Trump will be perceived as more inclined to fight back if America’s interests are threatened. Even though Trump has made possibly disparaging comments about Mexico and China, the leaders of those countries, where masculinity is culturally considered more important than in America or Europe, can still respect Trump’s command of authority, whereas they see Obama, and rightfully so, as weak, effeminate, and malleable. The Saudis, for example, may not agree with Trump but they respect him nonetheless, much in the same way a cadet respects or is subordinate to his drill instructor. The same for George W. Bush, who forged friendships with the Saudis, despite obvious cultural and ethnic differences, because they both respected each other’s power and masculinity. The Saudis were also close with Reagan and George H. W. Bush, but they snubbed Obama and Clinton. The same for the Chinese…they respect Trump, but pretended to respect Obama. Just because foreign dignitaries seem to ‘like’ Obama doesn’t mean they actually respect him. Foreign leaders know they can walk all over Obama, but not Trump.

4. Learn keyboard shortcuts. If you don’t know what CTRL + Z does, your life is definitely harder than it has to be.

People getting smarter and more productive. But also the need or pressure – either self-inflicted or peer – to self-improve in order to keep up, which is a common theme in our competitive, results-orientated post-2008 era.

5. Become a stranger’s secret ally, even for a few minutes. Your perception of strangers in general will change.

6. Get over the myth that philosophy is boring — it has a history of changing lives. It’s only as boring as the person talking about it.

It’s like we’re on the same wavelength. I’m attuned to the new era. Learnedness in philosophy is useful because it signals above average critical thinking skills, which is helpful in an increasingly technological economy. Philosophy, because it requires the comprehension and synthesis of abstruse and arcane texts, requires an above-average IQ and hence it ranks high in the hierarchy of majors, garnering respect for people who major in it – especially in the post-2008 era, where intelligence is more important and revered than ever.

7. If you’re about to put down a boring a non-fiction book, skim the rest of it before you move on. Read the bits that still appeal to you.

Skim the book at B&N.

8. Ask yourself if you’ve become a relationship freeloader. Initiate the plans about half the time.

America has an entitlement spending problem because it’s burdened by a growing parasitic class, as well as surging healthcare spending for things such as end-of-life care and free emergency room care for the uninsured.

9. Notice how much you talk in your head, and experiment with listening to your surroundings instead. You can’t do both at the same time.

It would seem like INTP & INTJ people, who are introspective and independent, are wired for success in post-2008 economy, while social skills and extroversion are becoming less important and respected. As part of the post-2008 rise of the expert and nerd culture, being a socially awkward geek, as optimized by Raymond Babbitt in Rain Main and John Nash in A Beautiful Mind, exudes authenticity and competence, while being too chatty and outgoing signals possible incompetence and superficiality.

10. Reach out to people you know are shy. It’s hard for them to get involved in social things without somebody making a point of including them.

Same as #9

11. Learn the difference between something that makes you feel bad, and something that’s wrong. A thing can feel bad and be right, and it can feel good and be wrong.

TARP immediately comes to mind as something that made a lot of people mad but was the right thing to do, same for QE and other unpopular but economically auspicious programs. Democracy and the ‘will of the people’ should cede to the best policy as determined by experts. Sometimes the elite are wrong on cultural issues, but they are often right on economic issues and defense.

12. If you need to stop for any reason in a public place, move off to the side first.

If you must be an asshole, level it upon those who deserve it such as the parasitic class. Otherwise try to be courteous to a fault , exhibiting supranatural situational awareness even if social skills are not important. If you are an eccentric and or eminent mathematician who is too busy trying to solve the mysteries of the universe than to be bothered with the petty norms of social conduct, you may get a pass on this rule, in order to be logically consistent with #9.

13. Before you share an interesting “fact” on Facebook, take thirty seconds to Google it first, to see if you’re spreading made-up bullshit.

As part of the post-2008 rise of expertism, ignorance and being a poser (Dunning–Kruger effect) more than ever, is not tolerated, especially by the smartest generation. They, the smarties, have very little patience for your unfounded assumptions, superstitions, protestations and beliefs, deferring to the experts on the matters – but still skeptical of any form of zealotry and proselytization, nonetheless.

Most of news is just sensationalism anyway and can be safely ignored.

14. Clean things up right away, unless your messes tend to improve with age.

The post-2008 rise of self-actualization, self-determination (within the limitations imposed by biology) and individualism against the leftist forces of collectivism, political correctness, and egalitarianism.

To be continued…