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  • Daily View: Ron Paul The Loser, Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder, Romney is Not Out of Touch [Edit or Delete]5 comments
    Feb 28, 2012 2:56 PM
    Dow 13000 and AAPL $600 is slapping the wealth spreaders across the face. The 1% wins again.

    Romney will win Arizona and Ron Paul will finish 4th. Maybe in a democratic primary he would place higher. It helps to be a real conservative when you're in a republican primary, but that didn't stop millions of basement dwelling potheads from forgoing thier welfare checks and donating money. Ron Paul the candidate, like his policies, represent failure, so it's no surprise he's failed to win a single state. That won't stop the paultards from blaming the right vast wing media conspiracy, voter fraud, racism, sexism, and black helicopters for stealing the millions of votes Ron Paul would have needed to win all the primaries.

    If you cannot accept reality then you are deluded, which applies to overwhelming majority of financial bloggers, especially the rapaciously liberal Peter Shift. Like Jar-Jar Blinks aka El Erian, he keeps predicting crisis and keep being wrong.

    The reality:

    the economy is still fundamentally sound

    Greece is not a big deal

    national debt not a big deal

    G.W. Bush, not Obama, rescued the economy

    stocks are undervalued

    stocks will keep going up

    Bernanke is competent

    TARP was a resounding success

    QE2 & 3 were successes

    no deflation or hyperinflation

    Ron Paul was never a viable candidate

    pain at the pump WONT derail the economy

    bad economic data isn't necessarily recessionary

    you can print your way to recovery

    The libs believe that the economy is always in crisis and in order in to fix this non-existent crisis wealth must be redistributed, regulation must be imposed, and taxes & interest rates have to go up, and that anyone that doesn't share these delusions must be irrational. But, of course, libs 'know' what's best for voters, just as they assume that Romney's dog didn't enjoy his 12 hour ride on the roof, when he may have actually liked it. The libs assume that the pill joke by Foster Friess was in bad taste when , to the contrary, putting an aspirin between the knees is an effective and affordable form of birth control practiced my millions of Americans. That's why the joke failed slow Santorum's momentum. The libs assume that Santorum is shooting himself in the foot by failing to address the overblown economic issues when, in fact, the culture wars are more relevant than ever according to a recent Rasmussen and Fox poll. Americans don't want wealth spreading, they don't want contraception mandates, they don't want college mandates, but they DO want Religion to be more intertwined with the government. Liberals assume Romney is out of touch when to the contrary when Romney said he was also unemployed millions of unemployed Americans were empathetic, and shared in his hope that one day they would find jobs.

    Libs assume that because the most recent durable good or retail data was weak that the economy is weakening. Wrong again. The problem with trying to predict using economic data is that overwhelming majority of economic data falls into one of the following three categories; unimportant, priced-in, or lagging. Retail sales are volatile, lagging and fails to account for foreign consumption. Durable goods is very volatile and not a accurate predictor of economic health. Neither is jobless claims or housing. Obama and his legion of bloggers is trying to scare voters by spreading lies about the economy. Don't be mislead; the economy is doing great thanks to TARP, bailouts, quantitative easing, and free market capitalism.

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This post has 5 comments:

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  • Wait a minute, you're defending a man that for one, has instated a health care bill very similar to that of Obama's? And you that claim Ron Paul is a liberal? It's now obvious how lost you and the rest America really is and this empire will fall very soon. Sorry but you are not the conservative you think you are, you might as well vote for Obama. Pick up an actual piece of literature instead of listening to morons like Glenn Beck and rest of the neo-cons.
    29 Feb, 12:43 PM Reply Like
  • This post is so full of fail it's laughable! The economy is still fundamentally sound? National debt not a big deal? TARP was a resounding success? QE2 & 3 were successes? You can print your way to recovery?

    "Don't be mislead; the economy is doing great thanks to TARP, bailouts, quantitative easing, and free market capitalism."

    You have got to be kidding... You clearly need a glass stomach just so you can actually see...
    29 Feb, 02:29 PM Reply Like
    29 Feb, 05:00 PM Reply Like

    this troll is hoping to be rewarded by TPTB; they will not reward him, they will just laugh at his vain attempt to glom on to their greatness.
    1 Mar, 06:20 PM Reply Like
  • The only people who can say with a straight face that inflation is not a serious problem right now are those who:

    A) Deny that monetary inflation manifests in asset bubbles as well as goods prices

    B) Don't eat, drink, use gas, heat their homes, pay taxes, or ever pay off their mortgage

    C) Who don't pay their own bills for anything anyway because they are sucking the welfare teat aka primary dealer and discount window access to the free Fed money machine.
    2 Mar, 10:00 AM Reply Like
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