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Stock market researcher, investor
  • S&P downgrades your office supplies [Edit or Delete]0 comments
    Aug 8, 2011 12:37 PM
    I've never seen the financial blogphere in such a bearish frenzy before. 
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but ,no, the market isn't going to zero. No good reason for stocks to be this low. Dare I say we're still in a Goldilocks economy of strong profits & earnings and market-friendly monetary policy.

    Demcorats voted for a community organizer with virtually no political or business credentials and we're supposed to be shocked that he has proven to be inept?

    In an act of retaliation S&P is on a downgrade rampage after Geithner rebuffed their methedology.
    Now it's not only countries at risk of being downgraded but also companies and municipalities.
    Soon it will be individuals being downgraded, your pet , the hospital, the library, wastebasket, a pencil.
    S&P downgrades a bicpen to D+ because the ink died out 
    S&P downrades stapler to triple C after it jams
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