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Stock market researcher, investor
  • Crossing my Fingers for Jackson Hole and Peter Schiff is a Liberal [Edit or Delete]2 comments
    Aug 22, 2011 3:23 PM
    Im losing my shirt in the stock market because stocks keep falling and no one IN POWER IS DOING ANYTHING TO stop the bleeding. I've lost thousands of dollars in BIDU NFLX UGA LNKD PCLN AAPL since April. The bond market is signaling to policy markets to print and spend with impunity, yet it's the populists like Perry that seem to be dominating the debate.

    .. For  JACKSON HOLE Bernanke needs to promise the following:

    1. ANOTHER $700 BILLION Bond Buying PROGRAM to push long term rates even lower


    3. Another trillion to purchase underwater montage backed securities to stabilize the financial sector
    If this happens the dow will rally 1000 points in a single day and the 10 year will rise maybe only .20. Hardly inflationary. 

    Obama needs to pledge to:

    Cut taxes for only the top 1% of earners in order to stimulate consumption, risk taking and speculation. Republicans won't object and it will grow the economy and boost Obama's polls.

    More preemptive war & nation building. No pullout of Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan I hope.

    Expand the department of homeland security 

    Less regulation. Lenders should be allowed to provide mortgages on supposedly 'dubious' terms to people who may not be able pay it back. It's the job of the borrower to read the fine print. Otherwise, the borrower loses the home. Investment banks should be allowed so sell securities to clients while simultaneously shorting them. 

    We, the American people, need to learn take our medicine of more bailouts and stimulus instead of constantly complaining about the debt and moral hazard. I still believe the free market is the best one of all, but sometimes we need intervention to smooth out the rough edges.

    Peter Schiff is a Liberal

    By constantly attacking the fed, Peter Shiff's liberal colors are showing. If the fed were dissolved the market would crash and asset prices would deflate, fulfilling his communist manifesto inspired desire of wealth destruction and distribution. Fiscal restraint is a form of wealth redistribution because it makes the rich who tend to own assets like real estate, stock, commodities poorer while lower income earners are unaffected or even benefit.  When the market falls, when facebook loses users, when people cancel the netflix subscription, when gas prices fall too much - the free market fails and communist/anarchist liberals like Peter Schiff click their heels in joy.

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  • Who is this clown?
    14 Sep 2011, 05:34 PM Reply Like
  • Obviously if you're losing money making asinine bets on whatever company the media was hyping that week, you shouldn't expect people to take your views on macroeconomics seriously.

    Learn some history, too: Woodrow Wilson, a progressive Democrat and the antithesis of conservatism, signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. Ronald Reagan also promoted a gold standard, which would eliminate the Fed. No conservative worthy of the title supports the ruinous 98+% inflationary devaluation of our currency over the last century it's been under their control.
    15 Sep 2011, 04:40 AM Reply Like
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