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Stock market researcher, investor
  • Is Perry bad For stocks? Yes, says Intrade [Edit or Delete]1 comment
    Aug 26, 2011 1:03 PM
    Does anyone from D.C. know how to do ANYTHING except kick the can down the road? No, but stocks are surging yet agains this week, so no one losing sleep over it. Profits and earnigns are still king, and the Q4 rally looms.

    In the past month Rick Perry went from being merely a potential candidate to the front runner. His vague threat against Bernanke a couple weeks ago helped embolden his populist support among the discontents. Subsequently, Romney's intrade numbers have fallen, and so has the stock market. Is this a confidence? Maybe not.

    If Perry is elected there is a very real possibility he will not reappoint Bernanke, ending the  'free money' reign that began with Greenspan's appointment in 1987. Obviously, this is bad for the economy, and the charts for the DJIA and S&P are reflecting this as part of a 'discounting the news' process.

    If Romney's intrade numbers rally or Obama's polls rise, stocks may follow. I'm voting for Romney because I want stocks to be higher, and I hope readers do the same.

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  • Stocks are doomed to mediocre performance for the next decade. Read my posts if you really care about why this is so -- God's put, and that sort of 'nonsense'.

    Stocks topped on Friday, heading lower.

    God and TBonds set to move back up.

    Romney? Isn't the the cheesy guy with the dyed black hair who was the star in "Big Love"? I don't see him being good for much of anything in fact, except 'mediocre love'.

    Enjoyed your post.
    27 Aug 2011, 07:01 AM Reply Like
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