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Stock market researcher, investor
  • Stocks up again? Where's the crisis lol [Edit or Delete]2 comments
    Sep 26, 2011 3:13 PM
    Stocks surging yet again today..where's the crisis? The economy is supposed to be bad, but stocks like AAPL and AMZN keep going up. Someone better phone them to let them know there is supposed to be a problem with the economy. lol

    No one cares about home sales lol, what matters is prices (which are still going up where I live). Obviously when you have a housing glut form the 2002-2007 building boom, you're going have a lot of unsold supply. The market has already discounted this and moved on, The only ones who care about lagging, unimportant housing numbers are the liberals on the blogs.

    Stocks are still historically cheap with the PE ratio of the S&P 500 only 13 and the forward PE ratio 11.
    Sometimes it's better that America becomes a banana republic with strong growth and accommodative monetary policy than a liberal, protectionist society with weak growth.

    Is increased food stamp usage, poverty, people falling between the cracks and downward economic mobility still compatible with a strong economy? Answer: yes
    We can have 10% unemployment and $3 gallon gas with record exports and profits & earnings. Affordable heathcare and education are still privilege, not rights.

    Fortunately, all policy in Washington and in the Eurozone is optimized to making stocks go up and the economy growing as quickly as possible. What's good for stocks is good for everything else, even if mainstreat has to wait while to see the recovery. The party of the left thinks that if you neglect Wall St. and multinationals, the economy can thrive; this is wrong. What's right is pro-growth, not pro regulation.

    The Wall St. Journal had a really good article about the dumpster diving economy. Apparently, the there is a fledgling economy that revolves around retrieving and repackaging discarded food and reselling it to disadvantaged people. Long lines are often spotted near dumpsters as divers wait in anticipation for discarded goods. A social networking website ,,  that provides real-time twitter feeds when dumpsters have been restocked, has recently secured $500 million in funding at a $30 billion valuation.

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  • Hey Scumbag! How are those shorts?
    12 Oct 2011, 01:23 PM Reply Like
  • I do not use foul language in my posts,just good analysis.If you can stand the heat get out,before there is nothing left.The momemtum stocks are over .Maybe in the next bull market ,but not now.By the way i made another 7% today;however I have real probelms.i am going to have pay more taxes on my gains.
    25 Oct 2011, 04:28 PM Reply Like
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