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Stock market researcher, investor
  • Daily View: Education , Japan , and Obama [Edit or Delete]4 comments
    Nov 3, 2011 9:58 AM
    The solution to making America more competitive is not through education, it's pro-growth policy. Policy makers need to keep taxes low, encourage free trade, and encourage Americans to spend, not save. For a better America we need more defense spending, more TSA, more drill baby drill, zero capital gains tax, higher sales tax, less regulation, a free-er market, and more homeland security.
    Retraining the workforce will take forever and cost too much money. A better solution is to insource knowledge workers from the vast global labor pool. However, the economy in terms of profits & earnings and consumer spending is booming despite nosebleed unemployment, so wall st. need not lose sleep over the supposed dumbing down of America.
    The U.S. has better prospects now, than Japan had then.
    The U.S. has better fiscal indicators, both on the stocks and on the flows.
    U.S. prices are more stable, while Japan flirts with deflation.
    The dollar remains the key international currency, while the yen is a distant third.
    U.S. growth prospects are better. 
    Japan has particularly troubling demographics, as its population is aging and skews towards the elderly.
    The only hope the libs have of beating Romney is to not nominate Obama.
    Bernanke and Geithner are competent, having done all the heavy lifting for the administration. Obama isn't.
    His policies such as healthcare reform, auto bailout, and stimulus have not helped the economy whatsoever, and have turned congress and the American people against him. That's why his polls keep falling and why Romney will be president.
    The problem is the lib and anarchist Ron Paul and Obama supporters are spreading misinformation about a supposed debt crisis to justify soaking the rich class warfare. Why raise taxes when the bond market shows nonexistent inflation? 
    There's no risk of recession, hyperinflation or deflation . For example, companies apple, facebook, grouopon, twitter are thriving and my home keeps going up where I live.  
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  • where do you live ? I am moving my trailer next door.
    3 Nov 2011, 11:50 AM Reply Like
  • Yeah, the hell with education, we don't want the peasants figuring out all the ways they're being screwed by the top 1%, and we wouldn't want them to gain any skills so they can actually compete, we like it that America is 27th for science education, just behind Croatia. And yeah, let's spend more on the military, it's already 37% of all federal spending, more than every other country on Earth combined, we need to borrow more money from the Chinese so we can piss off a few more countries. We wouldn't want to invest in any US infrastructure, we like having Third World quality bridges and highways. And oh yeah, less regulation, so MF Global can leverage up and steal more money from more grandmas and retirees in TIAA-CREEF. And yeah, Geithner's so competent, he paid out his Goldman pals at 100% on AIG while everyone else in the world is letting gamblers (oops I mean bankers) take a tiny haircut on their losses.
    It's amazing, you have encapsulated everything that is the worst about American politics in one short post. Congratulations!
    3 Nov 2011, 03:40 PM Reply Like
  • Is this a joke? Keep taxes low but incourage spending through more government programs like tsa and a higher sales tax? And then you call for a free market but call Bernanke and Geithner competent and Ron Paul an anarchist? You contradict yourself every other sentence. Get a solid opinion before putting more trash on the internet.
    4 Nov 2011, 12:54 AM Reply Like
  • Glenn Beck is a clever troll
    30 Nov 2011, 09:14 PM Reply Like
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