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  • The Newt Gingrich Surge is Here [Edit or Delete]1 comment
    Nov 16, 2011 2:40 PM

    The Newt Gingrich surge is here, and the stock market is loving it as evidenced by yet another strong close for the major indexes. Why does the market love Gingrich so much? Because he opposes recessionary ideology of fiscal conservatism, calling the debt committee of pencil pushers: 'maniacally stupid'.

    West Des Moines, Iowa -- Newt Gingrich is a major player in the GOP presidential contest again, and he's using that platform to position himself as the biggest critic of the congressional debt-reduction "supercommittee."

    Gingrich, who placed second nationally in a poll released Monday by CNN and Opinion Research, said at an event here Monday morning that the supercommittee is "maniacally stupid" and "an invitation to economic catastrophe."

    So there you have it. Newt Gingrich, the epitome of conservative values is opposed to this debt committee, as is this author and various leading economists like Lawrence Henry Summers and Ben Shalom Bernanke. The only ones pushing for fiscal restraint are the liberal/libertarian anarchists on the leftist blogs like zerohedge,businessinsider, and huffington post. These liberals are enamored with failure, crisis,  and countdown/debt clocks because they themselves are failures at life, and rather than blame themselves they blame Washington, the Fed or the one percent. They want to spread & destroy the wealth under the guise of 'fiscal conservatism' and 'restraint' because they themselves have nothing to lose.

    As for Gingrich's supposed 'baggage', he doesn't have any more baggage than any other candidate, or at least not as much as Herman Cain. These manufactured concerns about Gingrich's past is part of a smear campaign by an alliance liberal bloggers and Ron Paul supporters. According to a recent Fox News and Rasmussen poll, the vast majority of Americans are either completely oblivious to Gingrich's past and of those who are aware, the majority of respondents actually empathize with him for having to live with such a boring woman that he even felt compelled to cheat in the first place. Maybe she burned dinner too many times or was bad in bed or was unable to keep up with his superior intellect.

    A vote for Newt or Romney is a vote for a stronger economy, a free-er market, a safer country, a more interconnected less regulated world where wealth can be created without fear of having it spread around.

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  • Up against Obama I think a majority of Americans would vote for a Newt, a roach, a hornet ,even Mickey Mouse. By next November we'll see whoever the Republican is on top and elected and come January 2013 let the Treason trials of Obama begin! I
    ll buy popcorn for 10000 people for that one.

    More people in his administration will be going to jail than all others combined I predict.

    Sort of like how he added more to the nations debt than all Presidents combined up to Bush the 1st now. I used to say Reagan just a few months ago but has anyone seen our debt now just 2 months later?

    Our glorious President is destroying America faster than anyone thought possible.
    4 Dec 2011, 03:21 AM Reply Like
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