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Stock market researcher, investor
  • Newt Gingrich - the Teflon Candidate [Edit or Delete]1 comment
    Dec 1, 2011 2:04 PM
    In its 3rd week since the wheels fell off the Cain bus, the Newt Gingrich surge is still going strong to the dismay of the libs who were certain by now his supposed marital 'baggage' would doom the campaign. Whereas every other candidate has seen slippage in their 2012 GOP nominee intrade numbers, Newt's keeps rising and was last quated at 33% - a remarkable thousand percent gain in one month.  Newt's campaign so far has proven to be impervious to all assaults by the left and right because there's nothing new that hasn't already been combed over a thousand times by the pundits. This isn't 1995. The shelf like of a sex scandal is a couple months at most. After that people stop caring. Anyone that is still important in politics doesn't care about or remember some old affairs, and accusations about Newt's supposed lack of conservative values by angst ridden bloggers have also failed to gain traction. 

    Newt has made is abundantly clear that he supports pro-growth policy like lower taxes and defense spending, and this resonates strongly with voters and party delegates.
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  • He is a perfectly-named candidate! Slimy and disgusting.
    Hasn't held public office in 17 years. Too busy being paid millions as a lobbyist for anti-American and anti-citizen causes. Look it up:

    Ron Paul is the one we need.
    4 Dec 2011, 03:16 PM Reply Like
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