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Stock market researcher, investor
  • Daily View: Newt, Unemployment, Bailouts, and Oil [Edit or Delete]0 comments
    Dec 2, 2011 11:54 AM
    Rofl how ironic that the candidate that was supposed to have the most skeletons in his closet (Newt Gingrich) has proven to be the most impervious to media and blogger scrutiny. He's waltzing though the primaries while other candidates are dropping like flies at the tip of a hat.

    I was hoping that unemployment would remain unchanged or rise because falling unemployment makes the fed less likely to keep rates low. Wall St. came to that same realization which is why we saw no pop, but actually a slump in the futures after the numbers came out. As of writing this the major indexes are at thier intraday lows.
    It's imperative that Newt or Romney win because they support occasional bailouts to smooth out the occasional hiccup of the free market. Too big to fail policy has been a resounding success. Three years since TARP and still no signs of a relapse, and now Europe is coming to the realization they need a  TARP program of their own. Tax payers should quit complaining about debt and keep spending.
    We're going to have more debt regardless who wins, but this isn't bad for the economy. Soaking the rich is. Kicking the can down the road can be a surprisingly effective short term and long term strategy , and even the most over hyped of crises have a tendency of spontaneously resolving when the media finds its new crisis de jour. The crisis be the debt ceiling this week, China the next, and consumer spending the week after.
    Will $100+ oil derail the global economic boom?  No way, as explained in the link below
    I am willing to wager that $120 oil and $4 gas will NOT hurt consumer spending, will NOT cause a double dip. Not only is the debt binge sustainable, but so are surging commodity prices.
    We're still on target for dow 13,000 end of year.
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