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Stock market researcher, investor
  • Exhaustive list of 2012 predictions [Edit or Delete]1 comment
    Jan 3, 2012 12:40 PM

    -Dow 14,000
    -Oil $120-130 
    -Gas $4.10 gallon nationally (buy UGA)
    -Wealth gap keep widening
    -BRICs continue to underperform US markets
    (note: surging gas & oil prices WILL not provoke a double dip recession, will NOT hurt consumer spending)
    -10 year yields will remain below 3% despite surging stock market and other asset classes
    -living expenses though the roof (even as core CPI remains super low)
    -food prices, wheat, coffee, corn keep going up
    -Gold $2000 even as yield remain historically low
    -Interest rates remain historically low
    -Bernanke will give no hints whatsoever of raising interest rates
    -More civil unrest overseas, more whining about bailouts and austerity, more boo hoo hoo by the lib blogs
    -Europe 'crisis' end with a whimper, no relapse
    -No double dip, 4 strong quarters of GDP growth
    -Iran tensions escalate, expect huge oil spikes
    -North Korea will remain dormant; test more missiles
    -Gas prices go up up and away. Expect constant bellyaching by libs about pain at the pump and 'speculators' keeping prices artificially high.
    -4 more quarters of blowout profits and earnings for S&P 500 companies
    -AAPL $500/share, Google $750/share
    -Nosebleed healthcare & education costs will show NO signs of relenting
    -NO bursting of education bubble
    -Financial regulation will continue to fail
    -Record bonuses
    -Facebook will IPO with market cap exceeding $150 billion. Twitter worth $30 billion despite anemic profit. Still no bubble in technology though.
    -Home prices in Silicon Valley keep going up
    -Unemployment will fluctuate between 8.5-9%, record low labor force participation
    -Congressional approval ratings will keep sliding
    -National pessimism about the economy, political process will remain historically high despite strong economy
    -Debt committee will be dissolved, fade into obscurity. Any 'automatic' spending cuts will be rescinded
    -Blowout consumer spending, blowout retail sales, blowout 2012 holiday spending
    -Personal savings rate will finally go negative again
    -Ron Paul lose nomination; libs blogs livid, blame conspiracy and lack of media coverage
    -OWS fades into obscurity, movement deemed a failure by experts and as predicted by yours truly
    -Obama lose to Romney in very close election
    -Massive gains productivity
    -Huge gains in exports
    -Bernanke vindicated as QE 2, QE3 programs shown to be resounding successes

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  • Good thing we have experts with opinions such as these
    5 Jan, 11:20 PM Reply Like
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