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  • Ron Paul is a Raving Liberal, not a Constitutionalist [Edit or Delete]3 comments
    Jan 4, 2012 11:33 AM
    Ron Paul and at least 95% of his supporters are raving liberals that have hijacked the republican party. These liberals claim Ron Paul is a constitutionalist, but where in the constitution does it say to ignore and or appease the enemy? Or use a gold standard? Or let the economy fail? Or soak the rich?  
    Ron Paul's economics, social, and foreign policy views are pretty much indistinguishable from Dennis Kucinich, Carl Levin, or Bernie Sanders- the three biggest libs in congress. Ron Paul is also close friends with Barney Frank.  A proactive, reactionary government that infuses liquidity into the financial system to prevent systemic failure or declares preemptive war against potential enemies is still a conservative one. A government that lets the system fail tends to be a liberal one. True conservatives like Reagan and G. W. Bush didn't see government institutions as a threat, but as a means of improving the free market, increasing living standards and making America safer.

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  • I highly suggest you educate yourself about political philosophies, because you are lacking severely. Also, your ability to compare and contrast are horribly underdeveloped. Using your examples of policies indistinguishable from Rep. Paul's as a guide, everything that isn't a cat is a dog. You know why that analysis doesn't work.

    1)Neo-Con policies are not conservative. Neo-Cons are off-shoots of Progressive Democrats who were pissed with the Democratic Party after WWII. Apparently you don't know a conservative (Classical Liberal, or American Conservative) stance if it were to jump up and bite you on the ass.

    2)Interventionism is not a tenant of Conservatism.

    3)The biggest win gained by Neo-Cons was the fact that people don't really know much about them, aside from the "con" part. Kind of like that saying about the devil, how he convinced the world he wasn't real. They are faux-conservatives, decepti-cons as I like to say.
    9 Jan, 04:37 PM Reply Like
  • You don't know what a conservative, liberal, progressive/neocon is. I highly suggest you get some education in political philosophy before you fart onto your keyboard and call it an educated posting again.
    9 Jan, 04:37 PM Reply Like
  • WOW! You have no clue about Ron Paul.
    8 Mar, 11:42 AM Reply Like
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