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Stock market researcher, investor
  • Is stock_creeper always right? The evidence suggests so [Edit or Delete]0 comments
    Jan 18, 2012 11:40 AM
    The preponderance of evidence suggests that stock_creeper may be the most accurate economic prognosticator on the internet today. Sites like Zerohedge and Huffingtonpost have a large staff of writers and researchers, but none come close to matching the accuracy of stock_creeper in terms of distilling the overwhelming quantity of economic and political news into a few short paragraphs of correct analysis.  When a story is released I can immediately ascertain if it's important or trivial in terms of its economic impact. Predicting the stock market's reaction to news is harder, but I mostly get that right, too. Zerohedge and Peter Schiff  on the other hand, are always wrong because according to them every negative story or data-point is supposed to be a sign of eminent economic collapse, whereas in reality it isn't. Stock_creeper is a reality based economic blog, and the reality is that the economy is still fundamentally sound and 99.9% of bad news really isn't a big deal.  
    Why do liberals on zerohedge, businessinsider and huffintonpost yearn for crisis and failure? Because they resent the success of the the creators. If bestowed power they would intentionally soak the rich by imposing debt reduction, higher interest rates, and regulation. Of course this would have devastating consequences on equity market but thankfully these liberals have no power outside of their blogs.  Liberalism is an ideology of failure, redistributionalism, crisis and recession. Some seek to spread your wealth by raising taxes, other prefer a subtle manner by 'ending the fed' or forcing banks to have higher capitalization reserves. 
    In 2011 stock_creeper was right about:
    Multi-class asset based inflation (stocks, treasuries, commodities, municipal bonds have been rallying together for the past three months)
    Europe still not being a big deal. These much derided band-aid and 'kicking the can down the road' solutions tend to be surprisingly effective. For example, 3 years after TARP there is still no evidence of a relapse. 
    Unemployment not hurting consumer spending. It would seem logical to assume that low consumer confidence and high unemployment would hurt consumer spending but overwhelming the evidence suggests otherwise. Macroeconomics may be the gloomy science, but it's also the most counter-intuitive and paradoxical one.
    No double dip recession, no bear market.
    In March 2009 virtually every pundit was predicting a relapse before 2012 and they were all wrong.
    The national debt not being a big deal. Treasury yields are still at 'crisis levels' even though stock are at near multi-year highs. This indicates a strong confidence of America to fulfill its obligations to its creditors.
    America is still number one. We have the best performing stock market, the fastest growing economy of any western nation, we have Fox News, Twitter, Groupon and Facebook, the briefest recessions, and ultimate reserve currency status so we can inflate our way to recovery while other countries can't.
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