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Stock market researcher, investor
  • Should You Care About Greece/Portugal/Spain? [Edit or Delete]3 comments
    May 24, 2011 2:56 PM
    ‎Stocks rallying on Obama polls falling? Death toll for tornado in Joplin, Missouri rose to 117 deaths

    With the devastation continuing in Missouri and Mississippi Obama is on vacation again. Meanwhile, his poll numbers keep falling in major swing states against hypothetical republican front runners. This is bullish for stocks because the economy will do better under a neocon President. The debt keeps going up, more job loss, more pain at the pump..all of this is hurting Obama in the polls. In all honesty, we would still be having those things if Bush were given a 3rd term because dyseconomics is irreversible and autonomous. The fed, wall st, and multinationals (who control congress) impart the most influence over the economy and the government.

    Greece. Should you care?

    The blogosphere, zeroh3ge, Clusterstock, and Huffington Post is in a Portugal , Spain, Greece, the Euro and debt feeding frenzy. Hundreds of comments, flame wars, angst, doom and gloom. God help us all!! However, stocks are rallying because the smarties that move the market (fund managers and traders) know that those things are not a big deal. That’s why the dips in stocks and commodities keep getting bought.

    Remember in 2010 when the Greece fears first surfaced? The markets initially reversed, but the major indexes are now up 20% since then. Earnings, fundamentals, low interest rates, and pro-growth policy is what matters. I know it’s redundant, but unless those things change the market will keep going up, to the chagrin of the Greece crowd.

    Let’s look back at all the Geo-political happenings that were supposed to derail equities, but didn’t:

    November 2009 Dubai Crisis Verdict: Dud

    April-May 2010 Greek Riots & debt crisis Verdict: Dud

    April-May 2010  Euro Crisis? Verdict: Dud

    January 2011 Egypt revolution Verdict: Dud

    February 2011 Libya Civil War Verdict: Dud

    Japan earthquake? Verdict: Dud


    So there’s a pretty clear pattern here. Buy the dip on any geo-political events. Debt default= buying opportunity. Riots= buy the dip. Euro crisis? Buy the Euro on dip, buy gold, buy oil, buy silver, buy UGA 
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This post has 3 comments:

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  • You say great things. Just get rid of the Glenn Beck picture because he thinks that privatization of profits and socialization of losses is communism. But we know otherwise. Please get rid of the pic or I am not going to read this from BI anymore.
    24 May 2011, 08:55 PM Reply Like
  • Gary A is a fascist leftist moron. Use whatever pic you like. Don't be intimidated by socialist scum like him.
    24 May 2011, 10:11 PM Reply Like
  • Excuse me? Fascism is corporatism. I am not a fascist and you are full of disinformation.
    25 May 2011, 11:44 AM Reply Like
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