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Stock market researcher, investor
  • Buffett Bets ’Very Heavily’ Against Double Dip [Edit or Delete]4 comments
    Jul 9, 2011 3:02 PM
    I found this statement by Buffett to be hilarious because it's true. Sit back and wait the Huffington Post, Ze.r0H3dge and Ron Paul liberals to tear him appart:

    Billionaire Warren Buffett said he is wagering on continued economic expansion and doesn’t expect a second recession. “I would bet very heavily against that,” Buffett told Bloomberg Television’s Betty Liu on the “In the Loop” program today after data showed slowing U.S. job growth. “How fast the recovery will come, I don’t know. I see nothing that indicates any kind of a double dip.”

    ha ha That's right...absolutely nothing, which agrees with what I have been saying for the past two months on this blog. Stuff like falling home pries, job loss, Japan earthquake, European debt, debt ceiling, more poverty, and pain at the pump just ain't a big deal. Companies like Geico, Facebook, Netflix, and Apple doing great.  NO need for job creation or lessons learned in this economy. Bank bailout still a huge success according to recent surveys of leading economists.

    Debt binge is here to stay. More government spending and dow 13000 soon. 

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  • do as Buffet does, not as Buffet says
    10 Jul 2011, 09:40 PM Reply Like
  • Buffet is putting his money where his mouth is, but I reacll that Buffet is not always right. I followed him in betting on USB before the crash, and lost money right along with him.
    10 Jul 2011, 10:22 PM Reply Like
  • Several points:

    1.Has Buffet bought gold mines - I read he has.

    2. Buffet is advising Obama to keep printing money to pay off the U.S. debt in the future. He has admitted this himself.

    3. Marc Faber has made several presient predictions in the past: 1987, 2001 & 2008...He has also said that $100,000 will buy a cup of coffe in 10 years time and everyone - rich or poor should buy gold every

    4. Investors are buying up U.S homes because they are at or near the bottom. So this will lift total GDP but will ordinary people be able to afford speculative prices - I predict it will go ballistic.

    5. It is not true that there are no indicators - U.S indexes are showing chart tops (on monthly charts) that suggest a reversal. Also, Shanghai composite is showing chart pattern reversal on monthly charts.

    However, I am not a billionaire....

    But everyday there are indications that Doomsday is coming - not just to the U.S but to the whole world.
    17 Jul 2011, 02:23 PM Reply Like
  • I don't understand if this is sarcastic?

    "Stuff like falling home pries, job loss, Japan earthquake, European debt, debt ceiling, more poverty, and pain at the pump just ain't a big deal."

    What...does this even mean?
    3 Aug 2011, 05:01 PM Reply Like
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