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Stock market researcher, investor
  • Good ideas proposed at economic summit [Edit or Delete]0 comments
    Jul 11, 2011 2:23 PM
    Good ideas proposed at economic summit

    Does higher unemployment, falling consumer confidence, debt , more potholes, more poverty , and unaffordable healthcare & education make our nation great? Yes, says a panel of experts during a Bloomberg/Wall st Journal/Businessweek sponsored economic summit "Ironically, it's good for the stock market and the economy when as many people and small businesses as possible are left out of the economic expansion" ..he goes on further to state "the number one enemy of a strong stock market and economy is  the mass perception by citizens and policy makers that the economy is strong. Then these policy makers want to 'restrain' economic growth to prevent overheating. However, if everyone thinks the economy is weak then stimulative efforts will not be relinquished" 
    Howard, an early Facebook investor, weighed on the the economy "Facebook will be unveiling new features this month and we hope there will be enough unemployed people to test them out" A fmr. republican free trade adviser agrees "It's time we as a nation of productive, working -hard working Americans learn embrace risk taking, bailouts, and the free market"  Panelists proposed various programs to stimulate the economy including, a controversial  plan to provide tax breaks for companies that move jobs overseas and subsidies for commodity  speculators "commuters whining about gas prices is music to my ears" said one trader in the panel. 

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